Irresistible Grace (Efficacious Grace)

The grace by which sinners are saved, i.e. saving grace, that cannot ultimately be resisted or thwarted by the devil, the world or to whom God bestows it. This grace is necessary for salvation. This grace, upon reaching the sinner, is meet with an internal response by the elect to the inward call of the Holy Spirit as the outward call of the Gospel is revealed. God’s saving grace is the embodiment of His power, affection and influence concentrated upon an individual sinner who has been given a heart of flesh, which now enables him to joyfully and willingly response to Christ’s gospel.

Scripture references: Deut. 30:6; Ez. 36:26-27; Mt. 16:15-17; Jn. 1:12,13, 3:27, 6:44; Eph. 1:17,18; II Cor. 5:17-18; 1 Pet. 5:10

Perseverance of the Saints